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Ürituste seeria Event Series: Tallinn Folk Dance Club at Hopner house

Tallinna Tantsuklubi Hopneri Majas- HÕIMUPÄEVADE ERI

16. October kell 19:0022:45

Hõimupäevade raames teeb tantsumuusikat ja esineb Áron Lakatos ja tema bänd Ungarist.
Áron Lakatos – viiul, laul
Barnabás Erőss – vioola
András Juhász – viiul
Gergő Nagy – kontrabass
Benedek Tornóczi – tants
Viktória Zsoldos – tants, laul
Áron Lakatosi bänd asutati Ungari traditsiooniliste külaansamblite eeskujul 2019. aastal. Nende taotluseks on esitada autentset rahvamuusikat. Lisaks tantsutubades, kontsertidel ja lasteetendustel mängimisele on koosluse peamiseks tegevuseks tantsuansamblite muusikaline saatmine. Ise ütlevad nad, et nende muusika on sisuliselt tantsumuusika ja et just tants toob selle isikupära kõige paremini esile.


NB! Change of shoes is mandatory!

The Dance Folk Club is essentially a village party relocated to the city, where instead of a village community, people who love folk dance and music come together.

Everyone is welcome, whether young or old, bold or shy. We mainly dance Estonian dances, always accompanied by live music. Occasionally, dances from neighboring countries and even further afield are included.

Dance teaching during the event is rare, so we recommend observing those who dance well and learning from them.

The Tallinn Folk Dance Club has been a folk music and dance club for 30 years. In the early years, gatherings were held at the Old Town Music House and Kloostri Ait, but for several years now, meetings have taken place in the medieval hall of Hopner House.

The club meets twice a month on Wednesdays to enjoy dancing together.
It is led by Leanne Barbo, Jaan Sarv, and Monika Väliste.

Tickets 5/7€

Event info

16. October
Event Series:
Event Category:


Hopneri maja
+372 6 455 321
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