The theater and concert hall, or the large hall, is located on the former attic floor of a merchant house. The room’s authentic appearance is complemented by massive metal chandeliers and other forged works by metal artist Tõnu Lauk.
In a theater-style setup with podiums, the hall offers 110 seats on the floor and 30 seats on the balcony. The hall can be rearranged to suit the needs of your event – contact us, and we’ll help you find the most suitable solution!
Thanks to its excellent acoustics, the hall is well-suited for choir concerts and other music events. It is equipped with stage lighting (6 spotlights), choir risers (4 units), and an Estonia cabinet piano with outstanding sound quality.
The hall is equipped with a sound amplification system for training sessions and seminars. Additionally, it is possible to order a screen, flip chart, data projector, and a computer. The foyer in front of the hall is suitable for serving coffee breaks. The same floor also features a wardrobe and restrooms.
The fireplace room, located on the third floor or the barn floor, offers the perfect setting for various events. The room is characterized by a fireplace, two antique chandeliers, wooden paneled walls, and glass windows framed in tin. These glass windows, once a luxury, were only available to the wealthiest townsfolk for centuries.
On the same floor, there is also a small wardrobe. The fireplace room can also be rented along with the historic storage room.
On the barn floor of Hopner House, there is the historic storage room, which is the only preserved and unaltered "salve" or barn room in Tallinn's Old Town. The room features a simple and archaic structure – a framework made of pine logs hewn with an axe, with gaps filled with planks. The unpainted log ceiling is covered with limestone slabs. This well-preserved storage floor is a true rarity.
Keskaegse elamu tähtsaim ruum - eeskoda (või eestuba) ehk diele - asub maja esimesel korrusel, sissepääsuga nii Vanaturu kael 3 kui ka Raekoja plats 18 poolt. Diele on kogu maja väärikaim, läbi kahe korruse ulatuv ruum. Kaupmeheelamus täitis diele peamiselt kaubakontori ülesannet, käsitööliste majades kasutati seda ruumi töötoana. Majaisanda asjaajamisruum ehk kaupmehe kontor asus tavaliselt peasissekäigu kõrval ja oli muust ruumist seinaga eraldatud. Diele oli keskajal poolkülm ruum, mida soojendas toa taganurgas asuv mantelkorsten-köögis olev lahtine kolle. Selle maja mantelkorstna nurk toetub sambale, mille sarnast teistes Tallinna kodanikemajades pole. Kõige enam sarnaneb sammas Tallinna raekoja kodanikesaali piilaritele. Diele tagaosast viib uks elutuppa – dörnse’sse ja trepp aidakorrustele.
The room provides a stunning backdrop for historical-themed events, but is also suitable for more contemporary endeavors
Dörnse (lad k dormire – magama, dormitorium – magamissaal) ehk peretuba oli keskajal maja ainus pere päralt olev privaatruum ja ka ainus köetav ruum.
This is the oldest part of the house, with its foundation walls dating back to a 14th-century two-story building with a basement. The building had small window openings and narrow stone staircases between the floors. The staircases provided access to both the basement and the barn floor located above the family room.
The pride of the room is undoubtedly the exquisite wood carving around the door connecting the hall and the family room, which dates back to 1681, when the house was owned by the heirs of merchant Johan Hoppner (died 1671). No other such interior portal with a beautiful translucent luster glaze painting has been preserved in Tallinn. The magnificent door hinges, shaped like rosebuds and crafted by an unknown skilled blacksmith, are among the most beautiful in the Old Town. Additionally, the room is adorned with a portal of the dolomite basement staircase, decorated with a plant motif and a Bible quote, as well as ceiling paintings.
From Dörnse the door leads to the inner courtyard, where during the Middle Ages, the utility buildings and servant quarters were located. Today, the courtyard provides access through a vaulted passage to the Town Hall Square.
The bright, Town Hall Square-facing drawing room on the second floor offers the opportunity to host smaller meetings or training sessions. The layout of the room can be adjusted according to needs, with the possibility to use a projector and screen. The coziness is enhanced by a tiled stove.
During the summer season, the enclosed courtyard can be used for smaller events, concerts, or performances.
Keskajal teenijarahva eluruumina kasutusel olnud romantilise rõduga hoovimaja II korrusel on võimalik korraldada väiksemaid koosistumisi, töötubasid või lasteüritusi. Majja pääseb suveperioodil puidust välistreppi mööda või läbi esimese korruse.
Hopneri Maja
Kesklinna Vaba Aja Keskus
phone: +372 6 455 321
Reg. nr. 75038569
Raekoja plats 18
10146 Tallinn Eesti