Vastlapidustustest keskajal räägib ajaloolane Anu Mänd
While today we celebrate Shrove Tuesday as a single day, in the Middle Ages it was a roughly two-week-long period of festivities, featuring various ceremonies, games, and other forms of entertainment. The most detailed records pertain to the Shrovetide feasts of the merchants' Great Guild and the Brotherhood of Black Heads, while less is known about the festive customs of common folk. The lecture will explore the meaning of the term "Shrovetide," the duration and traditions of the celebrations, as well as the food and drinks associated with the occasion. It will also address the reasons why the joyful Shrovetide feasts gradually faded after the Reformation.
Anu Mänd (Tartu Ülikool) on ajaloolane ja kunstiajaloolane, kelle uurimisteemade hulka kuuluvad keskaegse ja varauusaegse Läänemere piirkonna kultuurilugu, sealhulgas gildide ja vennaskondade ajalugu ja peokombestik.t
Questions and information about the Medieval Club
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Kesklinna Vaba Aja Keskus
phone: +372 6 455 321
Reg. nr. 75038569
Raekoja plats 18
10146 Tallinn Eesti